You appear to be comparing the Qur'an's teachings with Western civilization, and not the teachings in the Bible. Unfortunately, when one observes many Muslim's behavior it is not consistent with the teachings of the Qur'an. Let's discuss Christianity and compare it to Islam. Christians and Jews tithe or give 10% of their gross income, while Muslims barely give 2.5% of their net income. And yet, according to hadith the zakat was to equal 10% by the charitable giving of land, livestock, and gold. Subsequently, in non-Muslim countries, families in need, especially women and children are oftentimes directed towards Christian governed non-profits, staffed with Christian volunteers.
Comparing Muslim culture with Christian culture. Are not many Muslim women wearing makeup, wearing clothing that reveals the shape of the body, and even posing in ways so their breasts are overtly seen under their clothing?
Sexual morals? Indeed there is much sexual promiscuity in Western civilization, but not as much in Christianity. Is sexual immorality occuring in Islam? An Iman in London stated the behavior of Muslim men kicking their wives and children out of the house without resources has become an epidemic- as well as in the U.S. because they are pursuing another younger virgin wife without children. Personally, when I was Muslim I started a FB page for Muslim women to help other Muslim women. I was messaged a Muslim porn video, and messaged by a "Muslim Men's Hot Group." This is only the tip of the iceberg. Global Civilization has forgotten God. But, as long as Muslims continue to believe they are pious and much better than others they will never be able to correct the shirk occurring within the Ummah.