Watered With the Same Water
“There are in the land, neighboring plots, gardens of vineyards, cornfields, palm trees in clusters or otherwise, all watered with the same water, yet we make some of them taste better than others; there truly are signs in this for people for with reason.” Qur’an 13:4
The plants mentioned in the ayat are all cultivated plants; some cared for better than others by those gardeners who wisely are diligent with their intention to produce the highest quality fruits and vegetables. They spend more time providing just the right amount of water, the best fertilizer, hybridizing, and even analyzing the soil content to provide the best conditions for growth and flavor.
This a metaphor or sign revealing the importance of intention regarding our spiritual lives. All believers are provided the same teaching through the Qur’an — this is the metaphor for the mention of water, but it is how we tend the garden of our souls that makes the difference. Do we diligently use self-awareness to determine where our weaknesses are and how we need to improve our behavior to be pleasing to Allah? Is the Qur’an studied regularly to obtain true guidance? Does the blessed water of His knowledge create important spiritual growth in your life?
Oftentimes believers become enmeshed in the world, even though they may be following the five pillars of Islam, but can become a cursory dutiful expression of Islam. Are you being mindful of Allah at all times? Is your soul residing in dunya and you are unaware? Where is your attention at most of the time? Does your heart yearn for the wisdom of Allah, and have you become sensitive to the needs of others?
The garden of humanity is varied — some with good fruit, and others with rotten fruit, or fruit that is barely eatable. The juicy, lush fruit of the believer with taqwa is apparent in every aspect of their lives. They pay attention to the needy among their relatives, muslim brothers and sisters, friends, and even in the community. In this way they follow the example of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) in his compassion for the less fortunate. They seek justice, and fully understand the Trust they have been given by the Almighty.
My brothers and sisters in Islam, please tend your gardens. Let your good deeds be pleasing to Allah; so spend your time wisely and be intentional. Tend your children’s spiritual growth as well, so they too may bear the best fruit for Allah.