Very thought provoking. As a Muslim I appreciate your understanding of Jesus stating "I am the way, the truth and the life" was not a clear reference to Christ himself being the king of exclusivity, but quite the opposite. We must and should look closely at this passage in the N.T. and place it in context for better understanding. Jesus told his disciples he was going to prepare a place for them, and Thomas in puzzlement asks Jesus how they could possibly follow him because they don't know the way. Jesus responds by telling them, "look at me! look at my actions and the many lessons I've given you - if you treat others with love and compassion and generosity and submit your will to God (which Muslims call islam) then this is the way to God. Remember, don't forget what I taught you." I recently did a study on the root of "ruhu" in arabic and hebrew - one Hebrew scholar I studied used the metaphor as an alliteration of the meaning of "ruhu" of his goats always using the same path to the watering place. He said, "the straight path." The way, the truth, the life exemplified by the Messiah, and the "straight path" exemplified by the Prophet Muhammad are indeed the same path to Allah/God.
Assalamu alaikum, brother.