Mary at a young age submitted herself to the will of God which enabled Mary to take on the burden of God’s will through much suffering. Mary is visited by the archangel Gabriel with the announcement that she is to be the mother of the Messiah. However, Mary is betrothed to Joseph but not yet married so questions Gabriel regarding her virgin status — how could this come to be? The biblical account does not provide much detail, especially regarding the residents of Nazareth’s attitude towards an unwed mother becoming pregnant. An unwed mother during this time period would have been stoned for having a sexual relationship outside marriage. Additionally, the Hebrews would have considered an unwed mother and her child as unclean. This really wasn’t a sweet story about Mary being blessed by God, marrying Joseph, and returning to normal life in Nazareth. Of course, there was that diversion to Egypt because as soon as the baby Jesus was born his life was endangered. Herod ordered the death of all firstborn sons under the age of two because of his irrational fear that this baby may grow up to become an aggressive leader who would dispose of Herod. It is important to acknowledge at the time of Jesus’ birth Herod’s territory was in significant political turmoil.
Did Mary express to the village neighbors that God had designated her to birth the awaited Messiah? Because of human nature characterized by jealousy, Mary would not have been believed and may have been stoned not only for adultery, but blasphemy as well. In many instances Jesus was not believed in spite of the numerous miracles. The Pharisees and Sadducees were overtly against Jesus’ ministry, so it can be surmised that the Hebrew leaders in Nazareth would have rejected Mary’s story.
How Mary must have suffered much for having an “illegitimate baby.” Instead, it is likely that both mother and child were denigrated and denied full status within their religion which would have reflected poorly upon on Joseph who was descended from the House of David. During one of Jesus’ times of teachings is an inference that in the village of Nazareth his status was so low by those who knew his story that he was unable to perform miracles due to the villagers not having faith.
God placed the virgin Mary who was pure hearted into a situation where she was accused of sin and judged by others. Was Mary made to suffer so that Jesus would develop deeper understanding of the heavy yoke of legalism that may have caused many to fall away from true belief? The sincere, compassionate believer usually does not arise from protected status but must experience suffering themselves before understanding the suffering of others. To enter into the place of poverty, oppression, persecution, and even hatred is to experience a fallen world needing saving.
Joseph and Mary had more children which would have made Jesus feel like an outsider within his own family. How did his brothers treat him? When his two brothers come with his mother Mary to see him and request to speak to him, he tells his brothers it is the true believers who are truly his brothers and sisters. Mary and Jesus both struggled with the cruelty of human judgement. Mary was told when she was pregnant that her son’s birth would bring a knife into her heart. The pure mother and her son the Messiah, whose purpose was to represent the true merciful and loving nature of God by miracles of compassion, was the very one crucified on a cross because of human propensity for cruel judgement. This chosen Prophet of God who brought spiritual beauty to a fallen world was judged, condemned and denigrated from the ugliness of human nature.
Women especially are tempted by jealousy and competitiveness to be passive aggressive towards other women by speaking negatively behind other women’s backs and ostracizing. Women have a difficult time supporting one another during times of suffering and rejoicing with other women during their times of blessings. When believing women engage in such behavior it is unrecognized overt unrepented sin which can lead to spiritual death. Mary, who was pure in heart, and who had no way to defend herself, had to place her complete trust in God by trusting Him with the outcome of her circumstances. She must have suffered the greatest through the other Hebrew’s women's poor treatment of her because of women’s human nature to be judgmental. It was clearly an act that is represented by the stoning of women. Imagine the anger and hatred it took to take a large stone and intentionally aim the stone at the head to kill someone. It is an extreme act of violence. According to the Torah if a woman and a man were engaged in sexual acts outside of marriage, then both the woman and man were to be stoned. But, unfortunately, due to the patriarchal society, it was only the women who were stoned, and the men were excused. Jesus, throughout his ministry revealed the cruel unfair nature of judging and condemnation. It was punishment without forgiveness or love.
And yet, this very day, all over the world, songs are being sung praising Mary and her blessed son, the Messiah, who was not only raised up to heaven but is now raised up on earth as well. Mary was exonerated by the witness and resurrection of her son, the Messiah.