Many Nations but One Heart
Listen closely and you will hear islam beating its common red blood across barriers of hate, across tribal lines and impossible borders. Skin color doesn’t change blood’s color, nor does Allah’s Spirit have a color, but that which makes us One, makes us strong.
Look at nature the Qur’an repeatedly tells us, pay attention to the signs — Allah made animals in communities so they would be protected and not isolated. Who is your tribe now, believers? Islam’s Ummah incorporates many tribes, nations and races. You are my brother, my sister Allah tells us, he wants us to get to know one another, but understand well- pay attention if you want to stay on the straight path; you must not allow differences to create judgement in your hearts, or the darkness of ignorance will descend and encase your hearts.
“If your Lord had pleased, He would have made all people a single community, but they continue to have their differences — except those on whom your Lord has mercy — for He created them to be this way…” 11:119
“All people were originally one single community, but later they differed. If it had not been for a word from your Lord, the preordained judgement would already have been passed between them regarding their differences.” 10:19
It is time for Iftar —the breaking of the fast. The Muslim sisters all congregate and separate into their typical close knit groups of safety. Hence, the tables in the women’s community room are all divided by nations with a few strays here and there mixed in mostly silently eating while listening to the foreign languages they don’t understand.
A verbal altercation breaks out on the men’s floor during taraweeh which is moved outside and erupts in physical aggression. Some of the other men quickly intervene to break it up, with lingering comments about those crazy Arabs.
“If God had so willed, He would have made you all one people, but He leaves to stray whoever He will and guides whoever He will…You will be questioned about your deeds…” 16:93
The hard encasement of the solid rock of culture and ancestral traditions prevents the forward movement of spiritual growth watered by the beautiful Truth of the Qur’an. Allah wants you to fly upward like a bird, but you stay grounded to the world.
“One banner hangs over you, O humankind, do you not see? He calls you to islam — true submission to Him — this is what makes you one, and as one community you will return to Him. You must understand this to be truly on the straight path. His Kingdom is many, but with one heart. Do not let your hearts stray from this truth. Reach out to your brother who is not of your tribe or nation or even of your religion and you will see a new way of believing.”