Rumi and In The Spirit of Rumi
Empty ourselves and be filled with mercy and love;
but even the collective ego prevents the true light of God to shine.
Jesus tempted by Satan in the wilderness:
By not being tempted Jesus saw the wilderness
turn into a garden.
One’s child in prison
for committing crime
is still loved and not forgotten.
Remember we are but clay
don’t let it break!
The Spirit will pour away.
What is it like when the clouds open up before the Sun?
Rays of joy.
God delivered chests filled with beautiful treasures
one at a time,
but you, you O human
believe the chest you found
has the most valuable treasures.
His hidden secret?
The treasures are all worth the same.
“If you wish to be far from God, nourish your egoism
and drive yourself away.” Rumi
If you keep poking and hurting an animal
it will turn and attack —
when you think it will lie down and play dead.
“Thank God you hadn’t the means or
you may have been a Pharoah.” Rumi
The pit was where God caught Joseph.
The wealthy have no needs,
and therefore, have no need of God.
The fire in the man of dissention
will be blown out by God’s breath,
but the fire of purification
will be lit in the earth and heavens.
The balance of orbiting planets
so carefully created
will spin out of control.
O human you didn’t listen!
Serving you, O people
serving God.