East and West
East: You, West, believe you are the cradle of civilization,
but you are the boiling pot of all sin.
West: You barbarians behind in your ways,
you are the boiling pot of terrorism.
East: We are the best of people
already advanced in culture and science
when you were but a baby on horses
chasing Indians.
West: But we ran ahead and now you are behind.
East: You advanced in immorality; we will take your technology.
West: We abhor your ways, wait and see.
East: You are the spreading poison of sin, spawn of the Shaytan.
Jesus: Didn’t your Prophet provide you with protection?
Muhammad: My brother speaks truly, didn’t We teach you how to protect yourselves (spiritually)?
Jesus: The world is an alluring addiction, isn’t it?
Muhammad: You must find God again in the secret places.
Jesus: My people have returned to their idols.
Muhammad: Indeed, my community has turned the Kaaba into a den of thieves.
God: When the light of Truth arises from the West and moves to the East, you will understand.