16 The Bees: Poems based upon the Qur’an
The verse in 68 gives the Surah its name, The Bee: “And your Lord inspired the bee, saying, ‘Build yourselves houses in the mountains and trees and what people construct. Then feed on all kinds of fruit and follow the ways made easy for your by your Lord.’ From their bellies comes a drink of different colors in which there is healing for people. There truly is a sign in this for those who think.”
Throughout the Qur’an are beautiful verses that tell the reader to be aware of the signs in nature, all of which point to an intelligent Creator. In pre-Islamic times Arabian tribes worshiped hundreds of gods in which many were the individual gods of trees, high places or mountains, water, etc. The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) constantly explains the wonder of nature as only being wrought by the One Creator, Allah. In fact, in some of the revelations given to Muhammad by the Archangel Gabriel are scientific facts found in nature which hadn’t even been discovered yet during that time period. This is a beautiful witness that Muhammad indeed received divine revelations.
This particular Surah emphasizes that all of Allah’s blessings in nature were provided for our benefit. If the unbelievers used their reason they would understand that the beauty and abundance of Creation is by Allah’s will alone. He blesses and takes away, creates and destroys, casts down and raises up, kills and resurrects, all according to His will and purpose.
The Creator created you from a drop of fluid,
and created livestock for your needs and comfort.
The Almighty blesses the clouds with rain
which provides water for abundant crops.
Allah created the night and day, the sun and moon,
sea and mountains,
rivers and paths, landmarks and stars
all to guide you on your way.
Look at the birds
as they glide along on invisible
streams of air held aloft by the mighty hand of Allah.
Even the shade you take shelter from the hot sun
was provided for your comfort by Allah.
The garments you wear for protection,
were made from the materials
of the bountiful earth
that Allah created.
Look at the bee gaining sustenance
from the nectar of flowers
which then provides you with sweet edible blessings
and healing.
He is all-Merciful and all-Beneficent,
give Him Thanks and Praise!
“A day will come when we raise up a witness from every community,”
for the Day of Judgment will come in a blink of an eye.